Making A Payment
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BWEHA members pay a modest annual assessment. This is the only significant source of income to cover the ongoing expenses for the use and maintenance of our facilities and general upkeep of common areas, as well as creating reserves for future capital improvements and repairs.
As reported in last month’s Beacon newsletter, our Board of Directors approved a 2025 assessment of $368.00 per lot, which may be paid annually ($368.00), semi-annually ($184.00) or quarterly ($92.00). Quarterly payments are due January 1st, April 1st, July 1st and October 1st.
Please check with the office to be sure of your correct balance.
Also, for your convenience, there is a locked drop box located on the clubhouse double entrance doors. You may place your check in there at any time of day. It is checked on a regular basis for payments.
Any assessment not paid within 30 days after the due date shall bear a mandatory $25.00 late fee.
We remind members about payment due dates through a notice on the front page in our Beacon newsletters, on our website at and by signs posted at the entrances to our community.
There are different ways to make an assessment fee payment. For your convenience, you may pay your assessment fees securely online. If you wish to use your credit/debit card, a convenience fee will apply.
In addition, you may visit our payment coupon printout page to print out a coupon for payment.
Effective January 1, 2024 we will only be accepting checks, money orders or cashiers’ checks in the office. No cash will be accepted.
Explanation of late fees for delinquent assessments
The Beacon Woods East Homeowners’ Assn., Inc. covenants call for a late fee to be charged to an account if the assessments are not paid within 30 days after the due date (Article IV, Section 9). Late fees are allowed under Florida Statute Section 720.3085 (3)(a). Homeowners are notified of assessments and due dates in the official publication of the Association, The Beacon, as authorized by the covenants (Article IV, Section 8). Assessments must be uniform for all homeowners (Article IV, Section 7). There is no provision in either the Florida Statues or the Association’s covenants that allow the Board of Directors, any individual member of the Board, or office staff to waive late fees. We cannot make exceptions and must regretfully decline all requests for waivers of late fees.